Anka and René are walking on the beach
      playing violin and guitar. The sun is shining and white waves are breaking in the background. Animated arrows, which show the visitor the site is scrollable
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A beacon of good feeling

All passionate language becomes musical by itself - and the music that the Nuremberg songwriter duo Nobutthefrog carries into the world is pure passion and touches people where they need it most.

The interplay between the guitar and the unusual-sounding violin make the audience whoop and cheer with joy and the bittersweet and the bittersweet, two-part singing always moves the audience to tears.

The Nobutthefrog's concerts are a beacon of good feeling and create an experience in the foggy everyday life that brings you back to the sunny path of life.

» Highest Mountain – live «


The photo shows the band Nobutthefrog performing live on stage. Anka is in the center holding her microphone into the crowd, René plays guitar on the right, and another guitarist is on the left. The stage is dimly lit with red and blue stage lights, and some audience members are visible in the foreground.